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Careers Guidance

Kent Choices

Please click on the following link to view a learner guide presentation with regards to choices available to you after Year 11.

Kent Choices Learner Guide 2020-2021


The National Careers Service

The National Careers Service offers information and professional advice about education, training and work to adults and young people aged 13 years and over.

Pupils and their parents can access support via a website, helpline and web chat (www.nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk, or National Contact Centre 0800 100 900).  National Careers Service



A further range of digital resources that can help pupils self-assess their skills and research career options can be found at plotr.co.uk.

This can help to inspire and inform young people about the career and training pathways available to them. Created with input from teachers, young people and employers, it promotes inspiration, exploration and discovery of the world of work, and allows teachers and schools to connect with local and national employers. Teachers and students can access expert careers advice, knowledge and information from one single digital platform.  PLOTR