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Parent Evenings

 Parent Evenings

We very much value the relationship with parents and Parent Evenings provide a great opportunity to discuss the progress of your son and/or daughter, as well as outline how we can work together in supporting their development and continued progress.

To aid this, we provide two Parent Evenings for the majority of year groups each year. These are separated out as follows:


Parent Information Evening

These will usually be conducted towards the beginning of the year and will outline some of the key aspects of the year and milestones to consider and be prepared for e.g. Mock exam periods, revision & intervention sessions and Mock results days for Year 11 students or HRCS expectations and meet the Tutor evening for Year 7.

These will usually take the format of a short presentation from Senior staff followed by an opportunity to meet with colleagues to discuss aspects of the year or to ask further questions.


Parent Consultation Evening

These are usually coordinated for later in the year (with the exception of Year 11) and will provide a 1:1 meeting between parents and teaching staff, to discuss student progress, attitudes to learning and homework and outline further strategies to ensure continued good progress.

Senior colleagues, as well as members of the Student Support and Learning Support teams will also be available to answer any questions or discuss any concerns.


School Cloud

We prefer to conduct Parent Evenings face to face and utilise School Cloud for parents to book appointments.

School Cloud will open a week in advance of each Parent Evening and will provide 5 minute booking slots between 4.00pm and 7.30pm. In the situation that appointments are missed, colleagues will be very happy to arrange a phone call or exchange via email to ensure that every parent has had the opportunity to discuss their child’s progress.