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Hadlow Rural Community School

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SEN information

All schools are expected to be as inclusive as possible, with the needs of students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) being met within a mainstream setting wherever possible.  

Within Hadlow Rural Community School we are committed to ensure every pupil, regardless of ability achieves well and succeeds. Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) ensures that pupils with specific needs are catered for through tailored support, teaching assistants, individual education and intervention plans.

Although we have an excellent reputation for supporting SEND students in achieving, it is important however to acknowledge that the resources available to HRCS, as a very small secondary school, are far more limited than those in a much larger school. Therefore, should your child have any additional needs, we would strongly advise contacting our SENCO to discuss the level of need and the resources available at the school, to ensure that expectations on the support we can provide are clear.

If you have any questions regarding the SEND provision available at HRCS, please do not hesitate to contact the school SENCO, Sarah.Codling@HRCSchool.org or call the school to arrange an appointment.

The following links will provide further detail on the SEND provision available at HRCS.


The following websites may also provide some further helpful information.

Kent Autistic Trust

ADHD Foundation 

Kent Speech and Language Therapy

Irlen UK


Kent Children and Young People's Mental Health